lighthouse with flag in front

Lighthouse Tours

Experiences Overview

Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 16th
Guest Registration


  • $50

    Adults (Ages 12 and older only)



Cape Cod is not only a destination of beauty, but also of history.

Travel to the Chatham Lighthouse with Capt John to see the iconic 40 ft beacon and to hear the over 200 year history of the many Chatham Lighthouses that guided mariners safely around the elbow of the Cape.

Hear the story of the famous rescue by the young Chatham Coast Guardsmen in 1952 on the CG 36500. Known as the most heroic small vessel rescue in Coast Guard history, the boat has been beautifully restored and can be visited at its present winter location in Orleans if time permits.

Transportation is included, and advanced reservations are required. Ages 12 and older only.